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Round, Soft and light Chapattis are what you should be eating with a delicious curry!
Chapattis n Curries Homestyle was created with YOU! "Curry lovers" in mind
​We believe that cooking delicious food can be done both easily and efficiently at home. Our courses will offer hands on experiences that will allow you to learn the art of creating chapattis and mixing in the right Meat/poultry or veg with the right blend of spices; to achieve a curry that is right for you!

Curries taste best when eaten with a Chapatti. Round, soft, light Chapattis is what you should be eating with a tasty curry!

The courses are structured with an informal environment where we want you to learn whilst having fun too. Each class is run at a pace that suits you and no prior cooking experience is necessary. All ingredients and equipment are provided.
You’ll soon find it quicker to mix up a curry than ordering a take away, but be can get quite hot and spicey in our class!
Use a proper tava (griddle) and gauge and cook over a open flame
0ur courses are fun, fast and tasty!
​We encourage you to practise what you have learnt at home straight away, and have great starter kits on offer on our website to help you on your way.​
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